
High Expectations for Employers

September 3rd, 2015

Thoran Towler

Carson City, Nevada Attorney Thoran Towler

Thoran Towler continues his educational series on Employer Rights and Responsibilities with High Expectations for Employers. Featured in Carson Now, Thoran Towler explores Nevada law and its effect on Employment Law for local businesses.

Nevada is one of 23 states with laws protecting the medical use of marijuana. Although the laws vary widely in each of the 23 states, the standard rule is that individuals with qualifying medical conditions may legally use marijuana. The big question for employers is whether an employee can be terminated for medical marijuana use. Many employers have drug-free workplace policies that prohibit the use of illegal drugs both on and off the clock. Regardless of Nevada’s position on medical marijuana, marijuana use is still illegal according to federal law. Nevada employers may be at a loss on how to handle violations of their drug-free workplace policies by employees who carry “medicinal marijuana cards.”

Read the complete article at CarsonNow.org.